Find details of all officially accredited CBT Therapists. All the practitioners listed are accredited members of either the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP), which is the lead organisation for CBT in the UK and Ireland, or the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT).
Imperial House Hornby Street Bury Lancashire BL9 5BN
A registered charity, The British Sleep Society is a professional organisation for medical, scientific and healthcare workers dealing with sleeping disorders. Find details of sleep centres local to you.
PO Box 247 Colne Huntingdon PE28 3UZ
Helping snorers and their sleeping partners in the UK and worldwide, the association provides information on the causes and also advice on remedies for snoring. A range of books, devices and remedies are available to purchase on the site, providing information on achieving an undisturbed night’s sleep and there is a monthly newsletter available.
Chapter House 33 London Street REIGATE Surrey RH2 9HZ
01737 245638 – Freephone helpline 0800 085 1097
A free public information resource for those seeking to learn more about sleep apnoea and snoring and for those who are existing sleep apnoea patients on CPAP therapy. Run by a company called Intus Healthcare, which specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), the site offers users the latest news on OSA, forums for patients to discuss their concerns and health problems, useful tips and trouble-shooting on CPAP therapy via the forums and blogs, useful links to further services and the latest research on OSA, along with frequently asked questions.
A registered charity run by sleep apnoea sufferers, CPAP and non-invasive ventilator users and sleep professionals – all of whom are passionate and committed in supporting people to get the safe restful sleep they deserve. We constantly raise awareness of Sleep Apnoea and are a unique charity, in that we support patients with all kinds of sleep disordered breathing (Sleep Apnoea, Upper Airways Resistance Syndrome (UARS), Snoring (when UARS or OSA is suspected), Hypoventilation Syndromes and any other condition requiring CPAP or Non-Invasive Ventilation). We self-fund our charity via sales of our CPAP and non-invasive ventilator products which are sometimes required to help people sleep more comfortably in their masks. Support is available 24/7 in our private groups. Please don’t suffer alone when help is freely available!
85 Ings Road, Hull, East Yorkshire, HU8 0SD
The London Sleep Centre and its associated centre The Edinburgh Sleep Centre are the only centres in the UK that provide access to the full range of services for patients with all types of sleep disorders across the life span within one location. Both are private clinics that accept referrals from General Practitioners and other medical specialists. They also accept direct patient referrals where the patients are self funding. Their specialist teams are recognised by all of the UK private health care companies and by the major international health insurance companies.
137 Harley Street LONDON W1G 6BF
Sleep apnoea is a disorder that occurs during sleep when the sleeper actually stops breathing due to a tightening of muscles in the throat which awakes them in a breathless state before quickly returning back to sleep. A registered charity and managed by volunteers, the trust aims to improve the lives of sleep apnoea patients and their families by offering information, support and non-medical advice while also sending regular newsletters to trust members. Membership can be obtained via the website, which also lists a number of sleep clinics and helplines to call for advice.
PO Box 60 Chinnor Oxfordshire OX39 4XE
This helpline run by the Medical Advisory Service puts callers straight through to trained nurses who will talk through problems and, if necessary, refer to the right source for further help and advice.
PO Box 3087 LONDON W4 4ZP
020 8994 9874 (6pm-8pm weekdays)
Sleepstation is a sleep app for people suffering from insomnia. The app uses CBTi (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia) to cure sleeping problems and give patients better control over their sleep. The eight week therapy course includes a personal sleep coach who will offer support along the way. Sleepstation is a clinically proven treatment for insomnia. It is available for free on the NHS in England or you can buy it for £145 (less than £3 a week for a year’s access).
Toffee Factory Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 2DF
The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the professional and educational body of psychiatrists in the UK and Ireland. The website looks at many related subjects in the area of psychiatry, one of which is sleep. Leaflets and factsheets are available to read on the site along with the option to send off for the leaflets or purchase audiotapes to help with sleeping problems.
17 Belgrave Street LONDON SW1X 8PG